Purpose-driven consultancy

I support charities, social enterprises and public bodies in strengthening their impact and becoming more effective in delivering their purpose-driven missions.

My skills include research, strategy development and operational management in the public, private and civic sectors. Recent work includes:

  • Public policy consultancy - undertaking research, evaluation, mapping and other studies to support local authorities and others in developing effective public policy

  • Strategic support for charities & churches - delivering scoping studies, innovative research, management reviews and project management to support the development of charities in challenging times

  • Social enterprise support - I provide diagnostic conversations, practical business advice and business planning support to a range of social enteprises to help them grow faster and become more resilient. I also work for businesses interested in becoming more purpose-driven

My Recent Work

Public policy consultancy

  • I researched how new housing provision can contribute to economic growth for Homes England

  • I undertook a comprehensive mapping study for Devon County Council and partners to update and support their Safe Accommodation housing strategy (with Resonance Ltd)

  • I prepared a new business plan for the Greater London Authority to develop a new social enterprise to support High Street regeneration (with Think Philanthropy)

  • I wrote a research report (‘The Ties that Bind’) on the future of work and the importance of mutuality for the Think Tank Theos.

Strategic support for charities and churches

  • I supported the Arts Council of Wales in developing a new national art project and updating their capital investment strategies (with Think Philanthropy).

  • I have undertaken research and feasibility work for St Paul’s Cathedral and the Centre for Theology & Community and an evidence review for ‘what works’ in church growth for CCX (the Gregory Centre)

  • I have provided project management and fundraising support to the Guild Church of St Katharine Cree, the new church for workers in the City of London.

Social enterprise support

  • I have delivered diagnostic and business support to a dozen social enterprises in the South West (with Resonance Ltd), supporting their growth and sustainability.

I also write a monthly blog exploring topical socio-economic issues - from fair pay and dignified work to rentier capitalism and the banking sector - and publish occasional Policy Lab Papers exploring new ideas and proposals.

My expertise

My work is often at the boundaries of public, private and civic sectors; it’s where many of our biggest challenges our and where innovation can happen. Whether it’s a local authority exploring how a social venture might solve a problem, or a business exploring its social purpose or a charity wanting to be more enterprising - I can help you.

My cross-sector experience helps me to deliver support which is thoughtful, practical and joined up:

  • I was a director at SQW Consulting for many years, and Head of Operations, giving me strong experience in designing and delivering research projects as well as business management for a £10m consultancy

  • I helped to found, develop and then lead Clean for Good as Managing Director for four years. Clean for Good is an ethical social-purpose office cleaning business in London. The company delivers fair pay and dignified work for its team, has high customer satisfaction and reinvests its profits. It has won several awards, is B-Corp accredited and has grown to over £1m turnover.

  • I was the Development Director for a charity in the East End of London which supports community organising in churches working with Citizens UK. I provided management support, undertook applied research and developed social enterprises.

My unusual skill set - research, strategy, management and enterprise - makes me a good problem-solver for organisations managing change or starting new initiatives. I also have experience of communicating stories, helping orgaisations recognise the power of storytelling for change.

I support purpose-driven organisations through research and strategy

“Poverty does not belong in civilized human society. Its proper place is in a museum. We have to get out of this mindset that the rich will do the business and the poor will have the charity. I strongly believe that we can create a poverty-free world, if we want to.”

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus

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